Tuition and Fees

When can we enroll?

  • We accept enrollments year round. If you join mid month, we just prorate that month and you only pay for the class you will be attending.

Can we do a trial class for Tumble Tots, Girls or Boys Classes?

  • Unfortunately, at this time we are offering no trial lessons. We are remaining diligent about who is entering and exiting our facility on a class-by-class basis.

When is tuition due?

  • Monthly tuition is due prior to the first of each month.

  • Automatic billing will be charged the week 20th of each month prior to attendance (e.g., a payment made on May 20th will be paying for June tuition)

Does U of G charge late fees?

  • Tuition paid before the 1st of the month will receive a $10.00 "Early Pay" discount

  • Any tuition payments made after the 5th of the month will receive normal tuition rate

Do members using automatic billing incur a late fee?

  • No, members on automatic billing using a credit or debit card never pay a late fee, as long as the payment is successfully processed

  • In addition, auto pay members receive a $10.00 per month Early Pay discount

If U of G is closed for a holiday, will tuition be prorated?

U of G bases our tuition on a 4 week calendar school year. Months with 5 weeks will not be charged extra and months with less than 4 will not be prorated.

  • Most months have four classes, while some months have five, with very few having less.


If classes are missed for any reason, does U of G refund for that class?

  • U of G has open enrollment year-round for all classes and members are charged a monthly fee.

  • The fee reserves the child's spot in class whether they attend or not, therefore, there are no refunds given for classes missed.

Are makeup classes available?

  • Makeup classes are available as long as there is space available in the desired makeup day and time.

  • Makeup classes can be scheduled through the front office.

Can we attend more than one class per week?

  • Absolutely! You can add a second class per week for a much reduced rate.


Do you offer private lessons?

  • Yes, U of G offers both private lessons and semi-private lessons

  • Both can be booked through the front office

How old does my child have to be to attend a Kid's Night Out?

  • Children must be three years of age and potty trained to attend KNO at U of G

How do I drop a child from a class?

  • We ask that you give a 30-day notice in writing of your child dropping. We ask the notice be done with the front office or via email.

  • Notifying the coaching or office staff does not constitute a drop, it must be in written form.

  • Once accounts have been drafted, there can be no refunds issued.